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Shop Cart Tech Support






Generatting custom invoices.

How do I get to my administration screen?

I want to back up my files

How do I import products into my categories?

How to add options for size, color, etc. to a product.

Deleting a store.

What does the 'Fulfillment' module do?

Can't find credit card info.

How to place a product in multiple categories

How to set an item 'taxable' when importing it.

Graphics aren't showing up.

User is unable to do anything in the administration program.

Getting a '...cannot connect with the site...' error when going to checkout.

I have placed several test orders. Why do I not receive e-mail notification?

Can't remove shipping module from store

Duplicate order numbers.

Blank 'Select One' box on order form.

Getting a '...Error opening lib/' error when going to checkout.

I would like to back up my files.

Assinging products to categories during import.

Adding a "Buy One Now" link to a web page.

Where is the credit card information for an order stored?

What to use as a Packing Slip.


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