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 The Smart Bussiness Online ! SEARCHFit - Shopping Cart Demo FAQ      

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FAQ  Frequently Asking Questions

SHOPPING CART SYSTEM view demonstration                          


How will the ChiefAdmin (main administrator referred to as ChiefAdmin) and affiliate/maintenance users control the online store through the shopping cart system?

An interface, received upon purchase, becomes a control station enabling the changes necessary to maintain the online store. Links therein provide a basis for navigating control station functionality that may enable the entirety of an online store to be uploaded, generated, updated, and changed. At top right location of this control station lay a drop box from which users may differentiate settings from one to another (certain users may be limited by uses given more system accessibility, as some users may not change FTP information or view credit card numbers). All users may share the same control station yet differentiate and maintain a distinct identity therein.

Is SearchFit” named based on corresponding features found in the shopping cart system?

Trademark “SearchFit” stands as a phrase of the foundation of the shopping cart system, search engine recognition may guide customers specifically to: all products individually; categories; category types; and pages generated therein; while, generating link popularity (a term ascribed to numbers of links pointing to your site, this becomes a key factor when search engines rank businesses setting aside those to appear first, and those to appear last for a designated search query) that may enable such products and content to become quickly targeted (and correspondingly more popular to customers using search engines as a means of finding products) by a search query on search engines such as Google. While shopping cart systems using Dynamic HTML may block search engine queries from recognizing any product information, content, categories, and web pages specified therein, the Static HTML solution integrated into the SearchFit system enables such actions, a solution that search fits customers to your business.

Generally, what may be accomplished through the control station?

Based on user input: auto generated menus, links (as subscribe, unsubscribe), a search field, a sitemap, last updated message, meta tags for categories, category types, products, subsidiary html pages (as “about us”) may all auto generate using keywords (as typing AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_MAIN into HTML source code to generate a menu that presents [in colors, products, categories, and category types already specified by the user] a categorized listing of products in the location on the page corresponding to the location of keyword placement within the HTML source code. Search engines as Google may reach all such products (unlike shopping cart systems using dynamic html as a basis for running the shopping cart) since SearchFit integrates a StaticHTML system with many structural alignments and design features integrated into the SearchFit system designed for ranking your site higher on search engines than otherwise would be: users may better target products, categories, category types, and store content for processing orders. A customizable layout and design of both order form and online pages enables a customized establishment of décor; and, automatically generated order reports, automatically logged orders upon purchase, automatic addition of ordering and interested customers to mailing lists, international capabilities, and ChiefAdmin control constraints, maintain a cart balanced for an online store whose features may be manipulated by the user through custom pre-assigned fields and buttons.


PRODUCTS view demonstration                                                  


How may customers be displayed a product?

Product name, product number, brief and detailed description, price, and an “add to cart” link display to viewing customers through several optional menus: customizable by the user when bettering store décor.

May product fields be specified for buying options for customers and information to sellers (as obtaining the country of the customer, size of shoe desired, and number of pairs to adjust what is accordingly shipped) ?

A help file within the “product description” section of the control station guides the process of setting up multiple fields and list boxes . Using these, the user may specify one list of variable items (as “1 bottle $12.25”, “6 bottles $142.80” displayed in a drop down select box,) as many other non-price related boxes (as shoe size, country of residency, shoe color) as needed may be setup in addition: such information will be displayed in the order invoice sent to customer purchasers. Another instance of variable items is when extras are added to the base price of the product (as a shirt set at $7,000 with options of adding silver buttons for $700 extra, or bronze buttons for $400), one additional extra of as many categories and choices as the user needs to setup may the customer add to such an item’s base price in this way.

How may customers find products?

Categorized menus (may be auto generated), drop list menus (may be auto generated), a sitemap (may be auto generated), search field (may be auto generated), mailing list (newsletters may the user send all subscribers at once, as those subscribers assigned automatically to the mailing list by purchase from store or clicking on a subscribe link), and search engine placement may the customer be using to find broad, specific and diverse ranges of products. SearchFit auto generates such search tools for customers by recognizing certain keywords (listed within control station “ Templ Main” section help) the user has placed within HTML, as typing AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_MAIN in the HTML will the system recognize to auto generate a menu of products in the corresponding location on the website as where the keyword was placed into the HTML: the menu is based upon product information, categories, and category types the user has already configured successfully within “Products,” “Categories,” “CategoryTypes” sections of the control station and is color and width customizable; another example: the user types the AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SEARCH keyword (referenced from “Templ Main” section help) into the html near the top of the body and uploads the website, a one click process using the “Generate” section, now, displayed on the website will be the functional search field at the corresponding location of where this keyword was typed in the body indexing all related items found throughout entirety of online store, as configured in the control station, for customer search queries. 

Specific product targeting by customers via search engines such as Google may factor the impetus of manifold product sales over a dynamic HTML shopping cart system: the SearchFit system (using instead a uniquely custom programmed static HTML system) was aligned to achieve this purpose, as it enables customers to find specific products, their category, and category type, and, information thereof through search engine queries (as customer typing in specific product details as “soccer cleats”) may be coming up for the customer; but, unrealized among most clients of shopping cart systems using dynamic HTML is the lack of search engine targeting for specific products, as the dynamic HTML systems not used by SearchFit do not fully “communicate” with search engine queries but in a very broad context (as the search engine will only be picking up “Sports Equipment”, a broad term describing store products for a large online sports store, leaving search engine targeting of the specific products of such a shopping cart system unresponsive to a customer typing in “soccer cleats”); through unique programming setup does the SearchFit system allow such possibilities whereas large dynamically driven shopping carts effectively do not; link popularity also does the SearchFit system compound via business listings and structure of your page harbored by using the SearchFit control station for creation of your online website, your business may hereby be placed higher upon search engine listings (link popularity, a term ascribed to numbers of links pointing to your site becomes a key factor when search engines rank businesses setting aside those to appear first and those to appear last for a designated search query, as a customer Google query will more easily be transferred to your website products when your website is immediately listed rather than being 17th or 29th on the search results listing).

How may coupons be setup? 

Within the “Coupons” section may the user be setting up, on the basis of order amount, a specified discount for all products whose aggregate sum exceeded the minimum order amount on the purchase; coupons may the user setup by coupon # and effective date range for which the coupon may subsist. These may vary and be differentiated among affiliate users.


MULTI USER & AFFILIATES view demonstration                        


May affiliate users be setup to sell products from websites of different design and layout?

Multiple users may be registered into the system; upon such a time, the new user may be setup as a “new-user” or “sub-user.”  A “new-user” may setup a different design and layout in contrast to another seller’s website; A “sub-user” retains the same design and layout (but still may later differentiate), so, upon uploading, a one click process, all sub-user affiliates’ websites, content, order forms, details, colors will initially match with the user that set up this sub-user; whereas, new-users will initially have default settings and empty HTML fields in which to freshly apply a new source code and color scheme and settings (products, their categories, and category types will be carried over from user setting up new-user notwithstanding that they were specified as “new user”; but, products may be differentiated by this “new user” by setting up the “Customize” section). The newly created sub-user automatically inherits all data, source code, product information, pictures, all such input within the control station into the account of that user so the setting up of such may not need re-recording of data (mailing lists and orders are not transferred and the sub-user may still differentiate the site to the extents specified in the third FAQ of this section).

May limits be set on the control different users have for the system?

Upon new user registration, the “ChiefAdmin” may specify that user to be either “Admin” or “User.” As ChiefAdmin, access constraints on all sections of the online store may be individually managed using the “access” section to the extents that a user setup as a “user” may not access: a section of the shopping cart system entirely (as the products section); may read-only a specified section (as enabling the viewing of orders but not enabling the viewing of the details thereof); or, the user may access a section to the full. If a new user is registered as an “Admin,” access constraints may not be constrained by the ChiefAdmin (though admin is automatically denied access to the “access” section and FTP editing, however, the ChiefAdmin may set a credit card unlock key so the “Admin” may not uncover card numbers). When dealing with international currencies, the ChiefAdmin may ensure all prices for all products are being charged equally to their conversion factor in the currency section of the control station that may be, with discretion of the ChiefAdmin, accessible or not accessible to the affiliate.

To what extent may affiliate users contrast their store from the ChiefAdmin and other affiliates’ pages?

Products may be customized to be exclusive (using the customized store section), or shared through another affiliates store: A shoe company only selling shoes may specify shoe products only, though another affiliate store sharing the same control station may have many non-shoe products. Similarly, each affiliate user may differentiate the following features from one to another: category types and categories specified, commissions, coupons, orders and their order reports, credit card processors, credit card types, languages (43 languages and their characters may be displayed), taxes, shipping and handling methods, shipping and handling fees, currencies, color schemes, mailing lists (a unique set of subscribers per user is logged), links, and terms and conditions; website layout; color scheme; custom order form fields; these may be exacted differently for each affiliate (whether registered as “new user” or “sub user”. Product prices remain equal for all users unless discounts are specified for all products for a certain affiliate within the “users section;” and, custom fields placed within the order form are shared for all users unless a custom field is setup to appear when a certain product is purchased that other affiliate users do not have (as when shoes purchased from the store of affiliate user “testuser” triggers the order form placement of a required custom field, setup in the “Custom Fields”, asking if they would like to receive future promotional information on that type of shoe, which is not used by other affiliate users). When international currency is used among users, a changeable conversion factor (the same if users are configured of the same currency but different otherwise) bases all conversions on the set product prices and any specified discounts are deducted thereby.

Upon change in product prices, must such an instance or other change in products necessitating re-configuration and uploading of these products require re-updating and uploading for each user (as an affiliate) separately?

All users share the same products, categories, category types, and all that sections “products,” “category types,” “categories,” contain therein (prices, description, images, meta tags, content); so, one user, whom has access for such an operation, that resets product prices will be reflected upon all users automatically. Upon uploading, a single click process using the “Generate” section, all affiliate users websites automatically will reflect the corresponding change without having to upload separately per affiliate: less maintenance, errors, and more consistency. The first question of this section addresses differentiation of product prices and product listings per user.

WEBSITE INTEGRATION view demonstration                              


How may the shopping cart content be integrated into the website?

By typing in keywords (keywords are listed within the control station “Templ main” section help file) such as AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_MAIN into HTML source code: the corresponding item (in this case of AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_MAIN, an auto generated menu listing products sorted by category types, categories, and products already specified by the user) will auto generate and be placed at the corresponding location of where the keyword was placed into the HTML (so wherever this keyword was typed, there the menu will auto generate on the shopping cart website). Other such auto generation by entering a keyword include:  weblinks (keyword AUTO_GENERATED_WEBLINKS), where the system auto generates links based on those specified by the user within “custom links” and “custom menu” sections of the control station; menus (keyword AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_CATEGORYTYPE_ID; AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_MAIN), this auto generates a color-customizable menu arranged by category types, categories, and products input by the user; a drop down list menu (keyword AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_CATEG) , a drop down list box with sorted product listings; a sitemap (keyword AUTO_GENERATED_SITEMAP), automatically arranges all links, link folders and products, product categories, and product category types automatically into formatted bulleted list; a search field and search field link (keyword AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SEARCH, a searchable index automatically becomes ready to receive search queries from the customer that will search the entirety of the website (as configured in the control station) for them; a “view cart” link (keyword AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SCART); AUTO_GENERATED_CONTENT (all information entered, as for products and category type descriptions, will the system display at the corresponding location of where the user placed the keyword within the body of the HTML; these items may be placed at the corresponding location of where the keyword was typed into the HTML. Additional HTML pages may users setup using the “custom links” section, herein sub-pages (as “about us”) may be setup and may automatically be assigned to integrate into the existing website, or, may be setup as a new HTML file. On the order form, the “Templ Bottom” and “Templ Top” sections maintain the user availability to specify a header eave and footer eave on the order form (to maintain décor of website even when customer makes transition into the order form page to purchase) whereas the “Templ Main” section allows such eaves to be placed on the main website (as displays a top eave and bottom eave on main page: within top eave are words MITERCRAFT Intricate Designs in Wood).

How may the website host the products generated by the shopping cart system?

Products upload to an htm or html webpage titled “products.htm.” This may be linked to by another main page (as with, where a link titled “shop” loads the “products.htm” section) or may be renamed as index.htm to become the initial page (as with, where the products section initially loads, the word content in the window [Wood Bookmarks, etc...] is specified in the field titled “AUTO_GENERATED_CONTENT” of the “category types” section of the control station).

ORDERS view demonstration                                                      


Are orders tracked and maintained by the system?

Yes, orders are logged, as recorded in the “orders” section, upon purchase by a customer; recorded information includes customer input as done via order form. Once recorded, these orders are automatically sorted by: order#; date; time ordered; country; state; and, order status. Icons signifying order status of either new, reviewed, or done may then the user change (even though these automatically change: as an icon would change to reviewed order after user has viewed order details).

How accommodates the system for large order maintenance and accounting?

Orders are searchable by order # (order numbers are constructed automatically by the system using the format of xxxShhmmss, where xxx is the order unique chronological ID of the order, S stands as a divider and the remaining 6 numbers correspond to time the order processed through the system) in the customers “orders” section; Order reports also display totals for orders as categorized jointly or separately by categories of: date range (of customer purchase, as 02/04/02 – 02/04/03); country (where US orders may be set aside from German orders); state (US states only); and, status (new, in progress, done). The control station “stats” section compiles order amounts: automatically the system will sort here orders of: new, in progress, and done with the total aggregate sums of each and all (as all new orders may sum and be shown as $1200 and in progress orders $700 and done orders $7000 and be altogether totaled and shown as $8900); herein the “stats” section are also number of categories, category types, and products shown.

To what extent may the order form be modified (i.e. setting up custom fields therein)?

A customized top and bottom header and footer may the user setup as may color customization through the “CSS” section be used to maintain store décor even when the customer makes purchases on the order form; at such a time may custom fields set  from section “Custom Fields” display to a customer based on a specific product or category purchased: as a custom field for a brown shoe may be setup to come up while a separate order field for a white shoe may distinctly be setup when purchased (such fields may be specified as required or not required before continuing purchase); custom fields for all instances of purchase may also be setup to appear on the order form. Terms and Conditions may then the user setup in the “Terms” section whereby the user must maintain “Agree to terms and conditions” checked to proceed with purchase.

Does the system automatically place all customers who have placed an order onto a mailing list?

By tracking all customers that have placed a purchase within a “Mailing list” the user may send an email with a click of a button to all active subscribers. An unsubscribe link will automatically the system place at the bottom and clicking thereon will the user automatically be removed. Manual maintenance may subsist to the extent that a user may turn a subscriber active or inactive (only active subscribers will receive the email i.e. newsletter, promotional information, special coupon listings).

CREDIT CARDS view demonstration                                            


How may credit cards be configured?

Each user may specify a list of credit cards the customer may use by the “Credit Cards” section, cards not specified herein will the customer not order with and will the user not process; credit cards not listed by the system may broadly be defined as OTHER: using this method the customer may order from credit cards of choice not listed by the system (those listed include: optima, eurocard, Visa, Mastercard, American express, Discover, diners club, JCB).

How may credit card processors be setup with the control station?

The SearchFit shopping cart system supports all credit card processors on standard is and and provides setup guidance; the process of using these is streamlined as the “CC Processors” section uses pre-set option and input fields corresponding to the CC processor chosen by user. Each user may distinctly use a CC processor of choice.


INTERNATIONAL SETUP view demonstration


How many various languages, currencies, and tax systems are supported?

Using the “international languages” section of the shopping cart control station the user may designate one of 43 languages (and their affiliated characters) to be setup; a “currency section” enables custom configuration of a currency type by the user who may set up currencies by: Name (as Euro, Shilling, Pound); exchange rate toward 1 US Dollar (as a .9642 conversion rate); currency prefix [as the Libra (£) symbol used to express the pound currency (i.e. £ 4)]; currency suffix [as the Latin letter “s” used to express the shilling (i.e. 2s)]; and, option of 0, 1, or 2 digits after decimal point . A “Taxes International” section enables user configuration of one tax% rate for each country; and, one “other” tax rate may the user attribute, as used in an instance of a country currently unsupported by the system.

How may the user setup these languages for shopping cart items (as configuring special symbols and words distinct of a certain language for such items as product information)?

The system allows the set up of multiple users each able to maintain a store with distinct languages from the same control station. After specifying one of 43 languages in the “languages” section, and setting up the user in the “users” section to use the language specified, the user may copy and paste symbols/characters for expressing the language and translation into each section of the control station; order form items may the user translate by entering the “Labels/Msgs” section where each item on the order form may change as appropriately setup for the language of this user (i.e. “Abschließender Preis” may replace the default English label “Final Price” on the order form, the character szlig (ß) in “Abschließender Preis” was copied and pasted into the field from the German charset (ISO-8859-1) stated in the “languages” section).


SHIPPING & HANDLING view demonstration                                


How may the shipping and handling be arranged for the customer?

Each user may distinctly set: categories that handle different shipping charges (as express, standard, or drop shipping), using the “shipping and handling fees” section next specifies the rates therein based only on cost of sale (as express shipping $7 if order is less than or equal to $10 but $12 if order is greater than $10 and less than another user-defined price factor). 


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