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   SearchFit Shopping Cart



The Only TRUE Search Engine Friendly Shopping Cart

SearchFit is a PHP web based shopping cart that has the ability maintain an e-commerce website like a database driven shopping cart, but creates  actual static HTML with all the necessary optimization elements needed for pages to be visible to all search engine databases .
The main problem with current shopping cart systems available today is that it creates database queries that are invisible to search engines. Search engine spiders and bots do not have the ability to see database driven pages, only your optimized static home page.

 The Smart Bussiness Online ! SEARCHFit -  Shopping Cart Software 

The revolutionary shopping cart solution SearchFit, is the first and the only true search engine friendly e-commerce shopping cart available in the market today. Created by search engine optimization experts, this powerful shopping cart provides all the features offered by popular and successful e-commerce shopping carts but with more ground-breaking features! For only $69 a month! more


Page specific elements for search engine optimization

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Each product is visible to search engine spiders

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SearchFit produces rich content for search engines

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Each product page can be submitted to search engines

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International-Language/Currency/Tax systems

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Single web optimization for each product

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Multi User - PHP Web

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  SEARCHFit -  Why it works     

The revolutionary shopping cart solution SearchFit, is the first and the only true search engine friendly!

What do you do
when you want to find a product on the World Wide Web? 80% of online shoppers use search engines and companies go out of business because of two main reasons; the lack of customer traffic caused by the lack of search engine visibility of the company web site and or products. The problem with e-commerce shopping carts is that database driven sites are undetectable through the eyes of the search engine spiders or bots.

The revolutionary shopping cart solution SearchFit, is the first and the only true search engine friendly e-commerce shopping cart available in the market today. Created by search engine optimization experts, this powerful shopping cart provides all the features offered by popular and successful e-commerce shopping carts but with more ground-breaking features! SearchFit is a PHP web based shopping cart that has the ability maintain an e-commerce web site like a database driven shopping cart, but creates actual static HTML with all the necessary optimization elements needed for pages to be visible to all search engine databases including and not limited to Google, All the Web (FAST) and Inktomi etc.

The main problem with current shopping cart software available today is that it creates database queries that are invisible to search engines. Search engine spiders and bots do not have the ability to see database driven pages, only your optimized static home page.

Shopping carts that claim to have a search engine friendly e-commerce solution uses the Apache mod_rewrite capabilities and custom PHP programming. Rewriting the “?” (Database Query character) from the URL is not enough. Do other shopping carts show any examples of their products at work? Do any of their examples of searchable keywords for a single product rank high using their shopping cart? Other companies have attempted to overcome this search engine invisibility dilemma by adding meta tags, titles, headers and all the necessary search engine optimization essentials; but they duplicate the same keywords for all the pages which may not even contain a matching element for the whole entire site. It has to be page specific for each product and pages to work properly. SearchFit generates individual static search engine optimized html pages containing keywords for the meta tag description, meta tag keyword, title, header etc., specifically for each product and regular pages.

With our eight years of experience, never have we come across a searchable database driven e-commerce web site with individual products ranking high in search engines. Sure the home page may appear once in while, but the actual products may not!

SearchFit gets around this problem by generating web pages detectable by search engines by using database driven methods that produces static search engine optimized HTML pages. What better way to sell and market your products than making your products detectable to all available search engines? Generate a more efficient way of exposing your online store to millions of shoppers worldwide with our revolutionary shopping cart, SearchFit!

It is obvious that banners are disregarded and ignored while pop-up windows are getting more and more annoying, losing its purpose. The best way to sell, market your products and to beat your competition is to have the ability to have your products be seen on the top ten ranking position on any search engine, which your competitors lack when you use the ground-breaking SearchFit shopping cart solution! Your traffic and sales will sky rocket!


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